13.12.09 The Aleph has just turned 10! Yes that's right,
10 years ago the site first went online.. incredible! If you're interested
check out the Version
1 of the site. ¶
30.07.09 Gibson has announced on his blog that he won't update for the
time being as he is busy finishing the new novel "Zero History". ¶
09.08.07 The new novel Spook Country
has just been released in the States and in the UK. ¶
11.07.07 The new novel Spook Country
will hit the shelves on August 7th (2nd in the UK). Check out the promotion
trailer to actually see the man type on a notebook (note the ancient
phone!). ¶
06.02.07 Gibson revealed in a blog
entry the cover
of the upcoming novel Spook Country
and the fact that advance reader copies should appear soon. Also, WGa
just turned seven! ¶
28.11.06 New page on Spook Country
with a brief official description. ¶
13.10.06 News on Gibson's upcoming novel 'SPOOK COUNTRY' ¶
13.12.05 I found two old zombie versions of my site on previous web hosts
(at Angelfire
and, even older, at Fortunecity)
- now completely cluttered in thick layers of competing internet ads. ¶
12.12.05 Be sure to check out The
Agrippa Files, a fascinating, detailed research site. ¶
16.10.05 The European version of 'No Maps For These Territories' is now
on DVD (PAL) (including Dutch, French, Spanish and German subtitles). ¶
06.10.05 I have almost finished my other project expoessays.com
for now and am ready to focus on the Aleph once again. According to his
weblog, Gibson is now in the process of writing a new novel. He also
wrote two articles for Wired magazine recently (article #1
- #2). ¶
18.06.05 No updates because I'm running a
new project from the World Exposition in Japan. ¶
23.10.04 Gibson's blog is back on (reason: "At times, to be silent
is to lie.")... check it out here. ¶
19.10.04 The Brazilian edition of "Pattern Recognition" ("Reconhecimento
de Padrões") will be released by Editora
Aleph in December 2004. ¶
26.07.04 The last couple of months saw the release of the Japanese, Polish
and German editions of 'Pattern Recognition', respectively titled 'Patân
Rekogunishon', ' 'Rozpoznanie Wzorca' and 'Mustererkennung'. The French
edition 'Identification des schémas' is due out in September, the
Spanish 'Mundo espejo' in November. You can check out the new covers in
the Pattern
Recognition gallery. If you are aware of any other translations please
let me know. If you come upon some other rare stuff, please let me know
by email or by posting at the William
Gibson Board (I post there sometimes - you'll know me by my handle). ¶
17.02.04 So the aleph's fourth anniversary has passed unnoticed, rightly
so because there doesn't seem to be much to celebrate. The last year has
seen very few changes at the site, except for an evergrowing number of
images in the image
gallery (which now contains more than 700 items - whew!). I don't
get many mails any more, probably because it's much easier to ask over
at the official
discussion board where most Gibsonites (including me - you'll know
me by my handle) seem to hang out these days. In any case, don't hesitate
to contact me if something new comes to your attention, or if you have
any further questions. ¶
21.09.03 Some updates: Gibson announced in this
blog entry that he will retreat from blogging. He explains that blogging
is a 'low-impact activity' which he feels 'would get in the way of writing
fiction'. So he might start working on his next project soon - be sure
to check this site for updates once in a while. Another new item is the
Real Audio streaming video of 'Tomorrow
Calling' (based on the short story 'The Gernsback Continuum'), available
at the Channel
4 website - I also put up some screenshots.
Also, I am still looking for the six book cover scans some nice Hungarian
guy sent to me in June (but were
lost soon after), could you please re-send them? ¶
30.06.03 Added information on the new German
version of the 'Neuromancer' audio book. Apart from that, nearly all
issues with the site are cleared. So I guess I'll start my summer vacation
now and leave everything else to the discussion
board at williamgibsonbooks.com. Have fun! ¶
19.06.03 All right - it's been an insane week as my notebook computer
was stolen last Tuesday while djing at a club. I have backups but getting
things straight takes lots of time. The only thing I lost were the six
book cover scans some nice Hungarian guy sent to me, so if you read this
could you please re-send the scans? See you soon when things have settled
a bit. ¶
22.05.03 As has been pointed out, the right-hand photograph actually is
a young Douglas Coupland. That's not a trick to get into Gibson's
blog, just a simple mistake I had been too lazy to correct. Since
most visitors probably came to see the 'image-bleedover' I'll leave it
for now. ¶
27.04.03 Wonder why no news? 'Cause most of the action is at the official
discussion board. ¶
17.03.03 I finally decided to take down the guest book since 95% of the
posts were commercial bot spam I don't want to support. There you go. ¶
12.02.03 Item number two arrived today - it's the lost
second chapter of the Neuromancer graphic novel (recently published
in 'Ultimate Cyberpunk'). I'll put up five scanned pages. ¶
10.02.03 I finished scanning the German
version of the 'Neuromancer' graphic novel in high resolution (150dpi).
I put up a version with 1/3-sized thumbnails and navigation. ¶
06.02.03 Well well, real world activities kept me busy while the action
started. As you probably know, 'Pattern Recognition' hit the stores recently,
so get it, it's great. Currently I am working on scanning two new 'special'
items not yet on the site (or any other). I promise it's worth looking
forward to it, so stay tuned, I'll let everybody know as soon as I post
it. ¶
09.01.03 Gibson will do a Pattern Recognition book tour in February, get
the dates here. ¶
08.01.03 Be sure to check the
discussion board at the official site, it is getting pretty busy lately.
Gibson published his first few blogs
and promised he will be on the site more or less every day. Prices for
Recognition' books at eBay are soaring at 150 dollars. ¶
01.01.03 Happy new year to all of you and all the best in 2003. I rewrote
the navigation for faster browsing and compatibility, and I hope you like
the new home page. I know I should write the PR review soon, please be
patient. ¶
19.12.02 *NOTICE - It's party time from tomorrow on, so good Christmas
and New Year to all of you. I know I promised a review and synopsis of
'Pattern Recognition', but real-world activities (mostly drinking &
female relations) will keep me from completing those anytime soon - sorry. ¶
19.12.02 Finally there is an official
Gibson web site, also check the official
discussion board. ¶
15.12.02 *SPECIAL NOTICE - It is time to celebrate! In a few days it's
the third anniversary of William Gibson aleph. According to my statistics,
this site had over 100,000 visitors in that time - not too bad for a fan
site. Have a look at the recently updated Aleph
history. Also, continue the support, sign
the guestbook, and have a good time, I'm doing this all for you, the
fans! ¶
03.12.02 The image gallery now contains over 400 images, with lots of
new book covers. ¶
09.11.02 Google
William Gibson. ¶
08.11.02 Just finished reading the new novel, will put up a summary (with
spoilers) later. ¶
06.11.02 I am now reading Pattern
Recognition and am one-third through the book. It is very good and
I'm really excited how the story evolves. Stay tuned for a full summary,
glossary etc. until I'm finished. I will not post the book here, but I
decided to put up the third
chapter as an exerpt. ¶
29.10.02 I got a copy of 'Pattern Recognition at eBay,
so stay tuned until it arrives. ¶
24.09.02 I returned to Germany five weeks ago, only now found the time
for an update. There are advance readers copies of 'Pattern Recognition'
available at eBay, I'll keep an eye on it. ¶
08.08.02 New page added: Other
movie attempts; also added more info on the movies. ¶
06.08.02 The visitor numbers are still about half of what they were before
I had to move the site... updating the links takes time, I even lost my
Yahoo! listing. Anyway I finished moving everything here after getting
fed up with those free webspace providers. ¶
15.07.02 As expected the old server is down... I relocated the downloads
and image gallery. ¶
29.05.02 The image gallery now contains over 300 images! Please sign my
new guest book. ¶
23.05.02 William Gibson aleph has moved (again). Please let me know if
links etc. don't work. ¶
16.03.02 All images and contents of the 'William Gibson's Yard Show' page
had to be removed. ¶
09.01.02 The 'Neuromancer' graphic novel is now available in a slighty
better version. ¶
06.01.02 Have a look at the enlarged image gallery with book cover from
all over the world. ¶
02.01.02 The 'Pattern Recognition' page now contains the official precis
and some other hints. ¶
30.12.01 I decided to stop updating the other language versions because
it takes too much time. ¶
27.12.01 Added buying info for 'No Maps For These Territories' on VHS/DVD. ¶
23.11.01 I will stay in Japan until September 2002, so I am going to create
a complete Japanese translation until then. ¶
06.10.01 I removed the 'Audio' page and created a commented site map as
an introduction. ¶
05.10.01 I am trying to compile a new file with 'memorable quotes' relating
to Gibson. If you remember any from his stories, articles, or by himself,
please write me an email. ¶
02.10.01 Greetings from Osaka! I added an entry for 'Pattern Recognition',
the upcoming novel. ¶
26.09.01 I will fly to Japan tomorrow, but of course I will update the
page from there. Please leave your entry in the guestbook. ¶
21.09.01 A few minor changes, the FAQ has also been rewritten. ¶
20.08.01 Well, I'll be off for my well deserved holidays soon. The site
should be pretty much finished by now, but if anything comes up please
contact me. ¶
18.08.01 I decided to remove all copyrighted texts from the downloads. ¶
14.08.01 Since I am getting more and more complaints and questions about
copyright issues, I am considering taking off-line all copyright-sensitive
novel and story texts etc. If you wish to support me to continue hosting
those files, please send me email or sign the guest book. ¶
08.08.01 All right, I'm off for some well-deserved holidays. The site
seems pretty complete now, but if anything surfaces please write. Also
check out the recently completed Hungarian version. ¶
18.06.01 It was about time for a major redesign. Other language versions
will be updated. ¶
08.06.01 Lots of slight changes. Coming soon: 'No Maps' QuickTime &
Hungarian version. ¶
09.04.01 The site never stops growing. Now I have the complete text of
'Virtual Light'. ¶
27.03.01 I have completely redone the image gallery and download pages.
Please, take a look. ¶
24.03.01 Added some new information about the 'Johnny Mnemonic' movie
and pinball machine(!). ¶
19.03.01 You can now also download the complete text of 'Mona Lisa Overdrive'. ¶
17.03.01 Again, great news! The 'Neuromancer' audio book is now back on-line! ¶
09.03.01 Now also the complete 'Neuromancer' graphic novel can be accessed. ¶
27.02.01 I added two articles, one short story and a few links. ¶
03.02.01 Some minor issues with the Japanese pages; I know the translation
is not very good. ¶
24.01.01 Spanish version of the Sprawl glossary is available at Deugarte.com. ¶
21.01.01 OK! Most of the bugs experienced with Netscape are now fixed. ¶
03.01.01 Added information about No Maps For These Territories (film about
Gibson). ¶
01.01.01 I am proud to announce that William Gibson aleph is now listed
in Yahoo!. ¶
31.12.00 About 100 samples from the 'Neuromancer' audio book are now online. ¶
28.12.00 Due to a recent change in the code, these pages are buggy if
you are using Netscape. ¶
06.12.00 William Gibson FAQ v2 has been posted. ¶
15.11.00 New update after a long time. ¶
24.07.00 Lots of changes. German pages almost finished, added the guest
book. ¶
21.07.00 Added new information and image of Agrippa. ¶
19.07.00 I created a Japanese translation. The pages are still under construction. ¶
18.07.00 Japanese and German versions of these pages are in the making. ¶
16.07.00 Corrected information about the Neuromancer movie script. ¶
25.03.00 Added San Francisco trilogy characters and glossary pages. ¶
24.03.00 Finished the Burning Chrome page, also updated the Sprawl characters
and glossary. ¶
24.03.00 Completely rewrote the Downloads section, also added a few text
downloads. ¶
23.03.00 Since I am getting more and more visitors on this site, I decided
to add a news section so you know what's new and about to change at William
Gibson aleph. Manuel ¶